Your SP has said they want nothing to do with you. You haven’t heard from them in twelve months and their friends are saying that they have moved on to someone else.
Yet you feel that you cannot live without them. (Problem number one)
You’re also holding onto what you perceive to be the “good old days” with your SP. (Problem number two)
You have in your mind how getting your SP back is going to unfold. “It has to work this way” mindset. (Problem number three).
You want them back the way it was but you’d also like to make a few changes to them as well.
(Problems number four and five)
There are more issues that could be problems but we’re going to focus on these five because they are the most common obstacles to getting your SP back.
First, you have to get away from the idea that you can’t live without them because that is simply not true. You did it before you met them and your obviously doing it now. So you need to let go of that mindset right away.
Next you need to stop thinking of the “good old days” because those days aren’t coming back. You don’t want those days because you’re not going to be the same once time unfolds and neither is your SP.
Then you need to realize that there is an intelligence that is far greater than you or I will ever be. That intelligence is the same intelligence that created both you and I and everything we know of and more that we don’t. That intelligence knows exactly the best way to make all of this happen so your job is to simply give the universe your desire and get out of the way and let that infinite intelligence put it all together.
Then problems four and five. Below you’ll see why that won’t work and it’ll uncover the biggest problem people have with getting their SP back.
In the Bible there is a verse that simply states you cannot put new wine into old wine skins. There is also a verse in the Bible that states you must die to yourself to be reborn a new man (or woman).
What do these actually mean pertaining to the issue of getting your SP back?
First of all the question that always pops up is “what happened that split the two of you up?” What did you do to cause the breakup? We’re not concerned right now about what the SP may have done. This is about you and you alone.
What did you do? Who were you in the relationship? What attributes did you have that attributed to the demise of the relationship?
This is the biggest thing that keeps your SP away from you by the way.
The reason is never a 3rd party or the way your SP treated you. It’s who YOU were in the relationship. What were your thoughts? What were your perceptions? What emotions were you experiencing in that relationship? What were you projecting onto your screen of space?
It’s all about you.
So with that in mind what’s next? What needs to happen now?
Let’s first focus on what you need to do. You need to become a different person than the one you were when things fell apart.
There was a problem that arose that caused the two of you to split and that problem was a part of you.
So what people normally try to do in this situation is they try to change the physical 3-D world. They want to send text messages, follow them on social media or call them.
None of that will work. They are trying to change the image from the mirror instead of changing the projection onto that mirror.
Now let’s go back and see why this matters.
Everyone and everything in your reality is your perception of yourself and your world pushed out onto the screen of your reality better know as your life. It’s pushed out onto this screen or “mirror” and is then reflected back to you as your reality. So what you’re seeing and experiencing in your reality is merely a reflection of the perceptions you have of yourself, the perceptions of what you have of the people and the world around you, and then the biggest thing that 99 percent of the people out there never think of is the perceptions that you have of what perceptions those around you have of you.
That last sentence is the key to why 99 percent of you can’t seem to get your SP.
You’re doing all the self concept work. You’re not messing with the middle. You’ve changed your world perceptions, but the last and biggest piece of the SP puzzle has been left outside of the puzzle and that’s how you see your SP sees you.
It was an Aha moment for one of my clients just this past week.
This person is seeing old flames come back and everything else in their life is turning for the good even though still looks bad on the surface, changes are happening beneath for the better but the SP is still standing firm on not coming back. Why? This was the question this person had. Why are the old flames coming back but the SP isn’t? Why are the old flames doing what I want the SP to do but the SP is nowhere to be found?
The answer was simple.
The perception that this person had of how the SP saw this person was such that in this persons mind, the SP didn’t want them.
When you have that perception going on there is no amount of affirmations, mind movies, meditations or techniques that are going to cause any positive movement. Not until of course you change that perception inside of you.
And this one thing will take care of everything else. You change that one thing, those perceptions that the SP has about you in your mind and everything else just falls into place.
Ask yourself this question and be honest with yourself.
When you think of your SP, how do you picture them seeing you? How do you view your SP thinking of you? In other words, what thoughts do you feel your SP has of you?
I’ll tell you right now they aren’t thoughts of admiration or of loving you unconditionally. Those are not the thoughts you are perceiving your SP having if you.
The thoughts that you are most likely having are thoughts that they want nothing to do with you. That they aren’t thinking of choosing you. Those are the thoughts that you’re perceiving your SP is having of you and many others.
And those perceptions are what’s holding you back from being with your SP.
Think about it. When you think of your SP thinking of you what are the very first thoughts that you perceive your SP having of you? Really… what are those thoughts that first come to mind? What does their face look like when you start having those conversations in your head?
Change those perceptions and live from those changed perceptions.
Change the way your SP looks at you in your imagination and change those perceptions.
Remember, everything and everyone is yourself pushed out. So if your perception of your SP is of him or her thinking that you’re not worthy of having a relationship with them then that is exactly what will be reflected back to you in your 3-D world.
So how do you go about changing those perceptions?
First, get a pen and paper. Then sit back and close your eyes and think of your SP. Write down the first thoughts that come to mind about what they are thinking of you. Put those on one side of the paper.
Keep doing it and writing down what comes to mind. When you can’t imagine anything new, stop and put the paper aside for a day.
You want to clear your mind of what you just did because we don’t want those thoughts to affect what new thoughts you’re going to imprint.
The next day take your paper out and for each thought that doesn’t support the direction you want to go, write out a positive thought that you want your SP to have of you. Do this for every opposing thought that you have on that paper.
Once you have that list done it’s now time to get to work.
Go over that list everyday three times a day without fail. You must persist in consciously memorizing that list so that each time you have a thought of your SP, replace that thought with one from your new thoughts from your list. Persist in doing this over and over again. Live from this aspect each and everyday to change the perceptions you have until the time comes when you have a thought of your SP and that thought is a thought from your list. Once that happens keep it up and don’t stop until you start to see the affects in your 3-D world.
Meditation helps here. Meditate twice a day. Once in the morning just as you get up and once when you go to sleep at night.
Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Calm yourself down. Then start to imagine your SP talking to you with the new statements from your list. Go over that over and over again until you fall asleep. You need to imprint these new thoughts into your subconscious mind.
In time you will have mostly replaced all the negative thoughts with positive ones. From time to time one of the old thoughts will pop up but your awareness will help to keep you on track.
Live from the end and persist. Do not stop until you see your end story playing out in your 3-D world.
This is the key to getting your SP back. Persistence is a must. It always is.
Live from this end story with your SP thinking nothing but loving and admiring thoughts of you and experience this as much as you can everyday and your 3-D world will have no choice but to start to reflect that back to you.
Congratulations!!! You’ve done it.
You’ve got this. Anthony.