What I’m about to share with you is life changing. You would pay money from other sources for this information but I’m going to give it to you absolutely free. But because its free and simple most of you who read it won’t even put it to the test. And of the rest of you who will put it to the test, most of you won’t even complete it.
But for the few of you who persist and follow the simple instructions, it will change the direction of your lives for the better forever. You will walk away a completely different person than the one who started this challenge.
Ready to change your life? Let’s get started.
Look back over the past six months. Have you attained the desires you had six months ago? If so congratulations. You’re part of the five percent.
You see, out of 100 people only one out of 20 will succeed in achieving their goals. Why is that?
It’s very simple. The rest of the 95 percent of people don’t persist in the achievement of their goals. We live in a microwave society. We expect to throw out our wish, push the magic button on the universe and hear that ding 30 seconds later letting us know our desire has arrived.
Unfortunately life doesn’t work that way. I know. You’ve been told by all the other mind set coaches, relationship coaches and manifesting gurus that you can have your SP crawling back to you in 24 hours or less. They tell you that you can get a text in 15 minutes from your SP. They also tell you that time is an illusion and that everything exists right now.
Oh, that’s true, if you live in the world of the 5th dimension and beyond. But we don’t live there. Not in our physical bodies. We live in the 3rd and 4th dimension with time being the 4th dimension and as such we are limited by the constraints and parameters of those dimensions. I can’t go into this deeper here. For that you’ll need to wait for my upcoming book “Inside Out! The true path to manifesting your deepest desires.” But for now what I can tell you is getting your desires is going take time. How much time is up to you and you alone. No special technique from anyone is going to make it come faster. No the “letter technique “ wont make it come faster. The “whisper” technique wont make it come faster. The repeating of affirmations 1000 times wont make it come faster. No technique is better than the other.
But there is a way to have the 3rd dimension work to our advantage. We can make the 3rd dimension work for us instead of against us. Will we get our desire in 24 hours? Most likely not. But we will get it by using the simple method of persisting. It’s YOU who will make it happen by persisting.
If you follow this very simple process you will not be the same person at the end of 30 days.
But there is a catch. It’s a very simple process. But it’s going to be difficult for most of you because you’re so used to getting things right now.
Same day delivery from Amazon, instant dinners courtesy of your microwave. Answers to any questions you have with the click of a mouse or the simple search of your phone.
We’ve been spoiled by the speed at which certain things can happen now. Technology has afforded us nearly instant everything. But the important things of life like who we are doesn’t work that way. To change who you are is going to take time.
If you want to go from London to New York City it’s going to take time to travel that distance. Remember, we live in the 3-D world.
But you can compress the time it takes by using a faster vehicle. You can take a boat and be out at sea for a week or so. Or you could take a jet and be there is six hours.
Same thing is going to happen with this 30 day challenge. You can not do it and flounder with your desires jumping from coach to coach and instant success programs and not get anywhere. Likewise you could do what most people will do and start the program, allow life to get in the way and stop, negating any effort you put forward and not getting to your goals. Or you could take this free 30 challenge and change your life for ever.
The choice is yours. Is it simple? Absolutely!!! Is it difficult? Absolutely!!!
The process is simple. It’s three easy steps repeated over 30 days. But the execution is going to be difficult because life is going to get in the way and most of you will succumb to those road blocks.
I did at first. I was going strong for three days and then life came and very quietly took my attention away from what I was doing and before I knew it four days had gone by without me doing anything towards my desires. I had to start all over again.
When I did, I lasted for two weeks before life threw another curve ball. Stopped me dead in my tracks, distracted me again and forced me to start all over again.
Started again and got to day 28. The end in sight and bam! Life pulled the rug right from under me again.
Dusted myself off and started again. This time I succeeded. And this time I walked away a completely different person. My goals started to just happen. I would wake up and have ideas pop into my head and I would follow them and my desires would manifest so easy.
I’m no longer the person that started the first 30 days or the last 30 days. Each time I go into this now, its like time compresses for me and things just start to happen within a couple weeks and sometimes days. But I don’t stop. I wont let incomplete success get in the way either. I keep going with my 30 days because it’s not the getting of the desire that is the goal. the real goal is the person I become at the end of those 30 days.
We never get what we want. We only get who we are inside. Change the inside and the outside world will confirm that change to you. It has to. It’s the law.
But that’s the problem. We all try to change the outside by manipulating the physical world. We want to change what we see in our 3D world first and then we will feel different inside. Put simply, That ain’t gonna work.
We need to change who we are inside first. We need to see ourselves as the person we want to become before the world reflects that change to us in the 3D.
So how are we going to do that?
The 30 day challenge.
What we are going to do first is to pick one intention that you have. JUST ONE! For best results at first I would pick one that is fairly innocuous. Something that wont have a ton of resistance to it.
For example. I wouldn’t use getting back with your SP if it was a terrible breakup and your not speaking at this time. Use something like getting that job opening that just came up or moving into the new apartment you’ve had your eyes on. Even getting down to the weight you’ve wanted to get to.
Once you have that intention picked out you’re going to create a scene that would imply that you have already attained that goal or intention. Make that scene as detailed as possible. Get all the sights, sounds, colors, textures and smells involved that you can. This is important as many of my clients will attest to. Many of them skimped on the details and they got the “general” intention but not the exact intention. Then when they went back and filled in the details the manifestation quickly “added” in those details.
Write this scene down. Don’t type it in your phone and don’t just think of it in your mind. Write it out in detail first then you can put it in your phone. Now I know, some of you know better than I do and are going to just skip this part and put it in your phone without writing it out. Go ahead. But you’ll most likely be one of the 95 percent who wont make it. If however, you can follow instructions then you have given yourself a fighting chance to succeed.
Now here is the part that 99 percent of the people out there miss. Who would you be if you were to attain this intention? What would you say? How would you act? What would be your daily routine? Who would you need to be to attain this goal? What attributes would you need to have to get this intention?
This is important because remember, we get who we are, not what we want. It’s “US” that needs to change in order to have the desires we want. The reason you don’t have that desire now is because you aren’t the person you need to be to have that desire. Once you become that person the desire will show up. But not before.
Now take those attributes and apply them to your scene. Have the other people in the scene mention to you and others that they see those attributes in you. Live in the scene as if you were that person.
That brings us to the second part. You’ll now take that scene and live from that scene in your imagination and this is how you’re going to do this.
For 30 days your going to take this scene and meditate on it morning, noon and night. In the morning, before you get out of bed you’ll wake up but keep your eyes closed and before you check your phone, or turn on the TV or start checking your social media accounts your going to meditate on this scene. You’re going to live this scene in your imagination. You’re going to experience this scene as if it’s happening right now. You’re going to see the sights and hear the sounds. You’re going to feel the textures and smell the scents. You’re going to have the conversations that will imply that you already have the intention and that also implies that you are already that person. You’re going to experience every detail in this scene. And you’ll play it over and over again.
Then you’ll do this at mid day as well only this time you’ll do it with your eyes open. Yes! With your eyes open. Now don’t tell me you can’t imagine with your eyes open. You do it all the time when you think something bad is going to happen. You’ll run every bad scenario through your head and play it out all in the blink of an eye. Now you’re going to do the same thing for your benefit.
Once bed time comes you’ll do this again only now you’ll close your eyes again, like in the morning, and play that scene over and over again until you fall asleep.
You’ll do this every morning, noon and night for 30 days.
Now, should you miss any portion of this morning, noon and night routine, If you allow negative thoughts to spiral you out of your consistent 30 days, you must start over. You’ll only cheat and hurt yourself by not starting over because your subconscious will know. Just start over and be aware of every moment. You can do it. I did and I’m no one special.
The last bit are going to be affirmations but not in the sense of what most people think or use them. I’m not a big fan of affirmations because most people don’t use them correctly.
Most people just spout them off as a matter of just “doing” them. That wont accomplish anything. Just repeating a bunch of words wont overcome years of programming. The subconscious doesn’t communicate like that.
The subconscious communicates through feeling and emotion regardless of what some people will tell you. When you “feel” something it goes directly to your subconscious. But try to tell it something and the conscious mind will stop it dead in its tracks unless it corresponds with something that you believe in already.
So when you do these three affirmations you’re going to “feel” and “experience” these affirmations. You’re going to breathe life into these affirmations. You’re going to make them come alive. Feel the words instead of just repeating them. Get them inside of you. Make them you. See the person that would be that affirmation and then “BE” that affirmation.
You’ll experience these affirmations throughout your day. When something triggers you, don’t fight the trigger. Simply acknowledge it as real and then simply turn away from it. Don’t give it a meaning and don’t say “No, that’s not my story”. That’s the biggest mistake people make with triggers. The word “No” is a very feeling word. It has power behind it and when you say the word “No” there is energy with it. You don’t want the trigger to have any energy. So your going to simply acknowledge the trigger, not giving it any meaning and turn away from it and then you’ll go to either your end scene or your affirmation, feeling them and experiencing them as if they are happening right now.
Here are the affirmations.
“I am the creator and controller of everything in my reality”
“I am valuable, irreplaceable, and more than good enough.
“I am accepted, trusted and appreciated for who I am.”
Now, many of you are going to want to change these, make them yours. That’s fine. But let me give you a bit of warning.
A lot of you are going to add things into your affirmations that are competitive in nature. Competing is not love and love is what rules this universe.
I’ve seen the affirmations that are competitive. I’ve even used them to my detriment before.
“I’m the best there ever was”. “No one is better than me”. “There is no one better than me”. “I am the only one for so and so”. Or my favorite, “ No one can love so and so more than I can and do”
I implore you not to use these kinds of affirmations. The mindset that these affirmations take is not inclusive and are extremely competitive and arrogant and the universe has a nasty way of dealing with arrogance.
Remember, Your 3D world is a mirror. It’s going to reflect back to you what you put out. If you put out love and acceptance, you’ll get love and acceptance back. However, if you put out arrogance, competitiveness and intolerance, you’re going to get that back in spades.
Do yourself a huge favor and stay away from any type of statement that says your the best. Life isn’t a competition. It’s an experience that God is having through us. Give that energy a loving, joy filled experience instead of one full of tense emotions and competitive thoughts. They wont serve you well at all.
Being competitive comes from a position of lack. Your telling the universe that you don’t believe there is enough to go around. Your telling the universe that you do not believe in abundance.
God has made more of everything than we could ever imagine. Just when we think there isn’t enough to go around, the universe supplies us with more.
Take the approach that there is more than enough to go around and watch as the universe rewards you with more than you every dreamt of.
Now, will these 30 days get you your goal on day 30? That’s not what this is about. Could it? Absolutely! But the real reason to do this is to become the person who gets those desires. Once you become that person, nothing will stand in your way. These 30 days will show you that the universe has your back. If you’ll only persist like every doctrine out there has admonished us to do, you’ll get your goals. How long will it take? How long will you need to persist? Like Neville Goddard says, Do it 7 times 70. in other words, persist in your intention until it hardens into fact.
So….. Who’s up for the challenge? Will you be one of the five out of 100 that reaches the end of the 30 days with your goal in sight? I hope so. I know I will.
Yes, I’m doing it again. I’ve got a new intention for this 30 days but I’m not telling you. And you shouldn’t tell ANYONE what your intention is either.
Be one of the five people out of 100 who do it. It’ll change your life forever.
You’ve got this. Anthony.