Shifting realities, shifting states.
When we talk about conscious manifesting what we really are doing is shifting states or realities. We do this multiple times a day.
We can go from husband, to father, to manager, to being upset about our finances, and back to husband again.
But there are core states or realities that we carry with us all the time. They are running in the background without most of us knowing about them.
They are the states of “I’d like that promotion but I’m not good enough”, or “I would really love to be in a relationship with the new guy in the office but he’s way out of my league”. Then there are those that live in the constant state of “sure, I can do that job. No problem”. And, “everyone loves me so I’ll just ask her out for a date”.
We see it all the time. Those people that seem to be the luckiest people on the planet because everything just seems to fall right into their laps.
They always get the promotions, she always dates the best, most put together guys and she lives in the best neighborhood.
People like these have different core states than the majority of us. Their cup is always half full if not all the way full all the time.
They see life as an opportunity instead of something that just happens to them. They wake up in the morning and say to themselves “what opportunities await me today” instead of “man, I’ve got to face so and so today. I don’t know if I’m going to make it”. They see positives in everything around them and when something doesn’t quite go their way they simply adjust.
So how do we, those of us that live one minute at a time wondering when tragedy is going to hit next, get into those states and realities that the lucky people are in? How do we start to get those opportunities that just seem to fall out of the sky like Mana for Mr. And Mrs. Lucky?
I’ll show you. And it’s simpler than you might imagine.
First though, let’s set some foundations.
Quantum Physics has shown us over and over again that everything in the universe is energy. And that energy is everywhere, in everything, and it has an infinite intelligence within it.
Some people call it just that. Infinite Intelligence while others call it the Source and still others call it God. It’s just a name for reference sake so I’ll call it God since I’ll be referencing the Bible as well.
Mind you though, this has nothing to do with organized religion so don’t fret about that.
When we get into trouble or when horrible things happen we often say to ourselves or out loud “oh God”. Even those of us who outright deny the existence of an almighty being or an intelligence far greater than our own, will reach out to that invisible power and utter the words “God help us” in times of great peril.
Why do we do this? Why do we have the innate capacity in ourselves to instinctively reach out for a power greater than ourselves even when we verbally have denied the existence of such a power? What is in us that brings up that primal need to seek help from someone or something far greater than ourselves?
Play along with me for a moment. Think a thought. Take a moment and think a thought. Now analyze that thought. Look at it and take it apart. Now ask yourself this question….
Who just looked at that thought? Who was aware of you thinking that thought?
The thought you had didn’t come from outside of you. And the awareness that witnessed the thought wasn’t from outside either. So what, who and where did it come from?
In the Bible there is a verse, there are many verses that speak of this. However in Luke 17:21 there is a verse that says “…. the Kingdom of God is within you”.
Now an entire book can and has been written as to the meaning of this for us but to save time and space I’ll give you the short summary.
The Bible wasn’t written as an historical account of a man named Jesus. It was written as an instruction manual for us humans on how to live our lives to the fullest. Neville Goddard gives an excellent account of this in his many books and lectures.
To put it simply, God, The Universe, Infinite Intelligence, Intelligent Energy, The Source, The All, Consciousness, whatever name you’d like to call it is in us all. Its everywhere, in everyone and makes up everything and it has and is the source of everything we see, feel, hear, experience and imagine.
That “awareness” is the entity that is aware of your thoughts. That awareness is the true you. It’s not your body. That’s just a vessel. It’s not your mind. That’s just a vehicle to project thoughts. The awareness is you and it’s eternal. It never dies, it never sleeps.
So now. Let’s get back to quantum physics. We now know that everything in the universe is made of energy and that that energy is intelligent. In the Bible it states that everything has been created already and that there is nothing that can be created that hasn’t already been created. That goes for circumstances, things, relationships, jobs, etc.
So if everything that you and I can possibly think of has already been created, where is it hidden?
Many people believe in the theory of parallel universes. They believe in the notion that every decision you make causes a split in the universe and you can go in one direction or another. Others believe that all possible realities already exist and are playing out now and you just pick a reality and boom, there you are.
I think that because we have such a limited mind and understanding of things is the reason that theory came up in the first place. It filled a void that we couldn’t explain with the limited knowledge that we humans had at the time and still do have. I believe infinite intelligence, God, the All or Source is much more intelligent than that and has a much cleaner explanation of how everything is already created and I believe science is on the cusp of figuring it out right now.
I’ll try to make this as short and simple as possible because again, entire books have been written about this.
We now know for simplicities sake that everything in the universe is made of energy. And that in its simplest form it is a wave pattern that cannot been seen or really felt by us. However scientists can see the little particles of energy and have observed them.
With experiments they have found that when a particle of energy is observed the wave form that it is in, collapses in a solid particle. They have also deduced that the wave of energy will do or go where the observer “intends” or thinks it will go. Take the attention away from the particle and it turns back in a wave form that we can neither see nor feel.
It simply is a wave of potential. That infinite potential that the Bible talks about. Everything is already created.
We can see this happen in our own lives. Back in the 1960’s when I was a kid I loved watching Star Trek. The wonderful things they had that weren’t even thought off at the time.
They’re communications devices that would “flip” open and their medical device that could simply scan your body and tell you what was wrong. Forty years later and Motorola comes out with the flip phone. And its name? The Motorola STARTAC. Coincidence? I think not.
We also now have imaging machines that can scan the body and look for abnormalities that used to take invasive surgery to see what was happening.
What happened here is someone put attention to something that didn’t exist in our 3D world but it was in this persons imagination. That wonderful sense or tool that we have that was given to us by God.
So to answer the question as to where all the created stuff is hidden now is simple. It’s in our, as Neville Goddard so eloquently puts it, “Our wonderful Human Imagination”.
If you can think of something it is already created. You simply need to put your attention to it, mentally observe it, add an elevated emotion as Dr. Joe Dispenza puts it, and if you persist in living in that thought it will come to fruition.
The wave of potential will collapse in hardened form or circumstances and will present itself in our 3D world. Take your attention and focus away from it and it will turn back into that wave form and disappear from your 3D reality.
So, that now brings us back to shifting states. Since everything is already created it’s simply a matter of figuring out exactly what you want. What circumstance do you want, what color car is it, what are the attributes your SP would have? How many rooms would your house have? What income would you have with your new job? etc.
Get as detailed as you can with what you want.
Then the next step is to find out who you would be that had those things. How would you feel? What would you say? How would you walk? How would you look? What would be your morning routine? You get the picture. Who would you become?
You see, you have to be the change to see the change you want. You can’t change anything in your 3D world without first changing who you perceive yourself to be. Once you do that the rest is simple.
Now create a scene that would imply that your desire is already done. Put yourself in that scene and live from that scene in first person. (I have a very powerful exercise that will put you directly into the state. Contact me and I’ll show you how. ). Once you have your scene and you’re in it first person, then experience that scene. Feel the warmth of the sun, smell the flowers, hear the voices, have the conversations. You do all the time anyway, why not have them to your benefit?
Then in the morning before you get out of bed, relax and play this scene in your mind over and over again. Do it to simply enjoy the experience of being that person. Don’t do it with the expectation of getting something. Just enjoy the experience.
Then during the day be that person in your mind. In your mind live from that person. How would that person act during your normal everyday situations? Embody the state of that person.
At night just before you fall asleep close your eyes and experience that scene again. Do it over and over again until you fall asleep. Feel it. Be it. Enjoy it.
Do this every morning, day and night until your 3D world transforms into the reality that is your scene. Persist in this knowing that it is already done.
I have numerous clients that have done this very thing as well as myself and all those that have persisted in it have had their scenes come to fruition.
Persist in it. Don’t give up. Stop trying to force your 3D to react to your physical intentions. It won’t work. You’ll simply just continue to push your dream further away. Stop trying to change the outside experience “he or she must conform to your wishes”. That’s the furthest thing from the truth. YOU must be the change in your world before you see the change in your world. If you continue to do the same things you have always done even though you think you have a different mindset and you feel things have to bend to your will you’re sadly mistaken.
Stop being YOU and become the you that would have those things.
Be the YOU you truly are.
You’ve got this. Anthony.