I’ve watched people struggle for years to try and figure out what the secret to success in any endeavor in life is.
Whether it’s getting into a relationship or gaining financial and career success. The struggle is always the same.
What do I do? What is the secret?
Let’s see if we can help give some clarity and direction to that question.
Neville Goddard was a writer, a teacher and a Mystic in the early to mid 1900’s. He had a fascination for the Bible but not in the way that most would think. He could quote the Bible better than most and that includes pastors and most Christians. In fact I personally have never seen anyone who could quote the Bible better than he could.
But he wasn’t quoting it to tell us historical theories like most people that read the Bible. No, he was quoting it in such a way that shows the Bible was and is a book on telling us how to live. It’s a psychological book of instructions on how to not only live in life but how to succeed in life. How to live the fullest life we can while we are here on earth.
Not only that, it’s a book that tells us just who we really are. Who and what we are.
Now to say that Neville was the first to do this wouldn’t be true.
In my research of personal development I have read hundreds of books that predate Neville from 20 years to thousands of years explaining this concept of not only the Bible but other spiritual books as well. Books we would call Holy. So Neville really didn’t come up with anything new in any of his books. Everything he talks about has been spoken about in other books before him.
What he did do however was put ALL of it in his books. Meditating, using the imagination, the imagination as God, feeling and using emotions to impress the subconscious, realizing that you can only change your outside world by first changing yourself from the inside. In one book, “The Power of Awareness “ you can find an example of each and every one of these in that short book.
Now I know, there are going to be some of you that will scream that Neville was the one who came up with SATS, State Akin To Sleep. People, SATS is a fancy phrase for meditating. Neville’s father told him that he was doing it wrong and should leave the eyes just slightly open because that is how he did it. This was before Neville started SATS.
Then some of you will say that Neville came up with “the wish fulfilled”. That folks are intentions. Well how about “everyone is you pushed out?” You might ask. Aha! Now your on to something you might think. But I’m afraid your wrong there as well.
Neville leaned heavily on the teachings and works of William Blake. Now although William Blake did not use the exact words that Neville did which are actually “Everyone is “Yourself” pushed out” which is really just one of several phrases Neville had for that concept.
In a lecture that Neville gave in 1963 about William Blake on religion he tells about the fact that he spent thousands of dollars getting William Blake’s writings so that he could study them. And study them he did. Many of the theories and methods that Neville used can be attributed to those of William Blake and Neville even says so in the lecture. He even states in another lecture he did about William Blake that he, Neville, never goes anywhere without two essential books. The Bible and the works of William Blake. They were always at his side.
Blake spoke about the notion that your whole vast world are your thoughts out pictured and reflected back to you. Neville once said that “your whole vast world is yourself pushed out”. A quote attributed to William Blake.
So what was it that was so special about Neville? He wasn’t afraid to say what he experienced and he could get you yourself to prove his point. Neville had a way with words that got his contemporaries to understand what he was trying to convey. He so eloquently placed his words and thoughts in such a way that made you want to believe him and if you did, and you acted as he prescribed, you were rewarded with the promises that the Bible gave us all. Not only that, he diligently “practiced” everything he preached. He practiced it and he perfected it. Then he taught it to us. He made it simple, he covered all the little details and nuances and he made it relatable and understandable, well, for some of us anyway. Sometimes it was hard or a bit difficult for some of us to understand what he was saying or trying to convey which is why we now have some misunderstanding and misrepresentation of what Neville meant. But such is history with the great writers.
So now, what does all of that have to do with the title of this post, movement and action are key? And, when did Neville speak about it?
Like I said in the above paragraph, Neville never missed on the small details and nuances. He covered every base that needed to be covered while keeping the process simple.
One of those details was the necessity of movement and action in our imagination.
You see, Neville very subtlety told us that movement and action are key but not in the way that you’re thinking. He didn’t want us to act in the 3-D world. He has always stated that everything, every movement and action must be made internally. It must be felt and done on the inside.
“Right inner speech is essential. It is the greatest of the arts. It is the way out of limitation into freedom….. Right inner talking is the first step to becoming what [and who] you want to be.” Neville
When we talk to ourself, we do use some words in our inner speech. But we are also using images and movement when it’s something intense we are saying to ourselves. We are using images of arguing with our spouse or special person. Yes, even those of you who say you don’t or can’t imagine you certainly do. You know what that angry face of the person who yelled at you looks like. You can describe what your child looks like or what your car looks like or your favorite dress.
You can have your eyes wide open and see the face your mother used to make when she was angry at you. You can sense what she looks like. That’s because your subconscious communicates with images, emotions, feelings and experiences.
Sometimes I even find it easier to “see” things in my mind with my eyes open rather than with them closed. I think that is why Neville’s father told him he was doing envisioning wrong when he told Neville to “keep the eyes slightly open “ when meditating.
So…. Using movement in your imagination is key because it mimics what would happen in the 3-D world making it more real and impressionable on your subconscious mind. Because there is movement your subconscious mind is more apt to “file it away” and use it to find more instances and circumstances to support the images you are impressing upon it.
This is why most affirmations either don’t work or have very little effect on changing your perspective on yourself and the world around.
So what really is happening with those affirmations? What is the reason they are so ineffective?
Ask yourself this question. How old are you? Twenty, thirty, Forty, fifty, maybe sixty? You’ve had your conception of yourself for all those years. It’s been ingrained into your subconscious, your psyche for all those years. Do you really think that yelling out a bunch of words are going to change all those multiple years of past programming? Do you really think that your conscious mind, that is yelling at you, “NO YOU’RE NOT!” is going to allow that affirmation in no matter how many times you scream it? NOPE! It’s not getting in. You’re not getting past that gatekeeper while you’re in your conscience mind. So yelling that stuff out will make you feel good for the moment and maybe ten minutes after, but after awhile that will slowly dissipate and you’ll start to hear that small voice of negativity coming back in.
You have got to do something else. You’ve got to figure out how to get past the conscious mind, that gatekeeper to the subconscious and then you need to know the language that the subconscious uses. *Spoiler Alert*. It’s not words!
“ Alter your inner speech, and your perceptual world changes. Whenever inner speech and desire are in conflict, inner speech invariably wins. Because inner speech objectifies itself, it is easy to see that if it matches desire, desire will be objectively realized.” Neville Goddard.
Inner speech will always objectify itself.
However, the subconscious mind doesn’t communicate quite the way we think it does.
In Chapter three of his book “Awakened Imagination” Neville talks about a blind girl who had told him about her success in getting a ride to and from work.
She used to ride the bus that took 15 minutes to get to work and back home. But then the schedule and route got changed and thus her one way trip was now two hours and fifteen minutes long.
She wanted to figure out a way to get to work by car instead so this is what she told Neville.
“She told me that she centered her imagination on being in a car and, although blind, viewed the city from her imaginary ride. She did not think of the ride. She thought from the rude and all that it implied. This controlled and subjectively directed purposive raised her imagination to its full potency. She kept her purpose ever before her, knowing there was cohesion in purposive inner movement. In these mental journeys an emotional continuity must be sustained - the emotion of fulfilled desire. Expectancy and desire were so intensely joined that they passed at once from a mental state into a physical act.”
“The inner self moves along the predetermined course best when the emotions collaborate. The inner self must be fired, and it is best fired by the thought of great deeds and personal gain. We must take great pleasure in our actions.” Neville Goddard
Now Neville filled those two paragraphs with a ton of information that will help you succeed and later I will take both of these paragraphs apart and share them with you. But for now we are going to focus on movement and action.
What the blind girl did was for two days she experienced her imaginary ride using all the senses she could, even sight which she did not have, to make each experience as real and vivid as possible.
Long story short, she got her ride to and from work.
She used movement and action in her inner speech and imagination to bring her desire to fruition.
Neville did the same thing when he wanted out of the army.
Most if you know this story so I won’t go over the entire thing but I will go over an area in the story that 99 percent of you miss.
When he was talking about going into the imaginative state and sleeping in his apartment in New York that is the point most people focus on. Him sleeping in his imaginary bed in New York while he was actually sleeping in his barracks in the Army.
But what almost all of you missed was that he also said he got up from his bed in his apartment and walked around his apartment touching things from room to room. He went into the living room and touched the couch, then a chair and many other things then he went back to his bed and got into it and went to sleep.
He used movement to bring the reality to his imaginative act. He used action (walking around and touch) to make it as real and as vivid as he could. He was there. He felt it, he walked it, and he saw it.
That is the secret. That is how you communicate with the subconscious mind. Not by mere words in the form of affirmations. You use your senses and your emotions to experience the desire you have.
The subconscious does not use words to communicate. It uses images, emotions, and feelings. Let me give an example. If you were to say to your subconscious, over and over and over again, which is what many people do, “I don’t like being poor, I don’t want to be poor, I’m no longer going to be poor, I have to find a way to get away from being poor“ if the subconscious mind follows the words, it would follow all of those words not just the word poor. However, that is exactly what it does, it’s following the one-word poor, and the reason is because when you say the word poor, you’re providing an image, an emotion, or a feeling, that is attributed with the word poor. It’s not the word itself that is imprinting on the subconscious mind, it’s the image, feeling, and emotions that are attributed, and connected to that word that are imprinting on the subconscious mind.
Neville proved it with his ladder experiments.
He asked his class to first think of a ladder and climbing that ladder. Then he said that for the next week you are to tell yourself that you’re “not going to climb a ladder.” He said to write it out and put it all over the house. I’m not going to climb a ladder. I won’t climb a ladder.
What happened? Most people who did that test climbed a ladder. Why? How did they climb a ladder that they said out loud, to themselves and wrote notes about not climbing a ladder? They even “affirmed against “ climbing a ladder yet they still did. How come? They said all the right words yet they still climbed that ladder.
The reason is simple. The subconscious doesn’t use words as its language. It uses images, feelings and emotions to communicate with.
Every time those people said the word “ladder” the subconscious got an image of them climbing a ladder. It formed the action and movement of climbing that ladder. Every time they “affirmed against” climbing a ladder the subconscious felt an emotion and the feeling and motion of climbing that ladder. It experienced climbing a ladder.
It didn’t understand the words “I’m not climbing a ladder.” It experienced climbing a ladder and therefore went about, in a way we know not of, of creating that experience in their 3-D worlds. It saw the motion and action of climbing a ladder and so it pushed out into their 3-D world, the experience of them climbing a ladder.
That is the language of the subconscious mind. And that is why repeating affirmations over and over and over again rarely works. You’re not imprinting the subconscious with an experience, emotion or feeling with those words. Your not painting a picture for the subconscious to work with. You’re simply speaking gibberish to it.
Until you give it an image, or a feeling packed with emotion or experience (movement) the subconscious won’t imprint it and your words will fall on deaf ears.
So how then do we manifest what we desire? It’s simple.
While you’re imagining a desire you have, live that desire in your imagination from the first person. Look through your eyes and experience the desire. Feel yourself moving in that desire or circumstance. Hear yourself and those around you talking and participate in that conversation. Also, feel the way you would in that situation. Be the person you would be. Feel that cup of coffee in your hand. Smell the roses in the garden. Taste that drink your having. Experience it all. Give your subconscious mind something to actually work with.
The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what is in the 3-D world and what is imagined because both imprint the same way, and because of this we can design our lives by using our God given imagination.
Choose your desire, figure out what you want in detail. Then create a scene that would imply that you already are the person that possesses that desire. Make sure that your desire is from the point of view that it has already happened. That it is now some time past the horizon of you obtaining that desire. Then imagine that desire from the first person point of view using all the senses that you can. Make it as real as you can in your imagination and know that your imagination is in fact as real if not more real than the reflection you see in your 3-D world. Know that anything you have, have done or are was first imagined in your heart and mind. Once you know that, nothing can stand in your way of obtaining the true desires of your heart.
Then play this scene over and over again in your mind until it hardens into fact.
But here is a very important key that most everyone misses. Don’t do this to get something. Do your imaginative scene just to experience your desire. Since you already have it you cannot want it again. You’re simply experiencing it once again. Keep experiencing it until it hardens into fact in your 3-D. Enjoy it. Live it. Love it and be grateful for it but don’t want it.
It’s already yours so you cannot want it again.
You’ve got this. Anthony.