Manifesting, you’ve been doing it your entire life. Whether you want to believe it or not you’ve been directing your life with your thoughts and imagination from day one.
You were doing it all on auto-pilot.
You thought life was just happening to you but in reality you have been doing it to yourself.
So now that that reality has slapped you in the face, it’s time to accept it and then accept the fact that you can now consciously change it all.
“ Man becomes what he imagines. He has a self determined history. Imagination is the way, the truth, the life revealed. We cannot get hold of truth with the logical mind. Where the natural man of sense sees a bud, imagination sees a rose full-blown.” Neville Goddard.
So what are the steps to consciously manifesting what you desire.
The first one is a step that many miss or don’t feel is important. However, without it you will not be able to manifest the desires of your heart. There isn’t an affirmation that will help you unless you first complete this step.
You must address your self-concept.
Your self-concept is the most important part of your manifesting journey. Your self-concept is what directs your life. It’s the programming that has stopped you dead in your tracks from becoming the person you desire to be.
“ Because all things come from within yourself, and your conception of yourself determines that which comes, you should always feel the wish fulfilled before you drop off to sleep. You never draw out of the deep of yourself that which you want; you always draw that which you are, and you are that which you feel yourself to be as well as that which you feel as true of others.” Neville Goddard.
You have years of programming that hasn’t really helped you up to this point and you’ll need to change that before anything will help you achieve your desires.
There are many ways that people try to use to set your self-concept. Some are good and some aren’t. But the best way is to find out what has been keeping you down and revise it. Imagine the person you wish to be. Use all of your senses while you are imagining who you want to be. Affirm who you want to be. You need to build your self-concept so that it can support what it is you desire.
Once you have your self-concept under control you can now start to design your life the way you want it.
You need to know what it is that you desire. You need to know what it would feel like to have your desire. What does it look like? What does it feel like? What does it taste like? What does it smell like? And what does it sound like?
Get as detailed as you can. If it’s a car you want go look at it. Take some pictures of it. Sit in it and test drive it. That way you can know what it feels like. What it smells like. That way you can take those senses into your imaginative sessions and apply them all.
Once you know what it is that you desire it’s time for you to create a story. A story that implies that you already have your desire. You’ll want to make this story past the point of you receiving your desire.
For example, if you want to marry a certain person you would then create a story that implies that you’re already married and it’s been a few months or so ago. Hear in your mind a conversation between you and your spouse that confirms that fact. Feel what it would feel like to be in that conversation. Where would you be? What would the weather be like? What time of day would it be? If your at dinner what would you be eating and what would it taste like? Is it cold or hot? What would that dinner look like. Apply all of these senses to your story and feel yourself into it as you write it out.
Once you have your story finished it’s now time to set some affirmations based on your end story. What kind of affirmations would go along with your story? Does your SP take you out to dinner all the time or does he or she cook for you most of the time? Are you happily married or in a very committed relationship? Does your SP spoil you all the time and tell you constantly that you’re the only one? Does he or she bring you flowers all the time?
Get creative with these based on your end story.
Does your car drive well? What does the interior look like and does it have leather that you can smell. Does it have any distinctive features?
You get the picture. Pun intended.
Now that you have your affirmations you’re going to use these daily.
You can use them in your head or out loud. I find that while driving in my car I can scream them out and it really ties the emotions to them. They imprint really fast that way. I do it morning, noon and night, whenever I think about it or when I have an undesirable thought about something connected to my desire. I won’t let a day go by without going over my affirmations, either internal or out loud. But, keep in mind, these are not what will get your desire. They just help to put you in the state you desire to be in to have the desire you desire. (Whew) That’s all a technique will do for you. It won’t bring your desire. It’ll only help to put you in the state you desire.
Next is meditating upon your desire or as Neville puts it, the State Akin to Sleep. That is the same thing as meditating and don’t let anyone tell you any different.
When you go into your session, pick a short scene from your story. Maybe 5 to 10 seconds of it and that’s it. Take that scene and play it over and over again in your mind feeling all the senses that you would feel if you were that person in your session. Always view yourself from the first person point of view. Never see yourself in this session. Always view the scene through your eyes in your mind. Fully participate in the scene. Have conversation’s with the other people in the scene. That is the most powerful way or technique of manifesting.
Having a conversation with someone in your mind adds more of the senses and it provides another person confirming your desire back to you.
Then play this small scene over and over again in your mind. If you’re doing it in the morning do it until your body says it’s had enough. You’ll know when that is. If you’re doing it at night then the best way to do it is just before going to sleep and doing it over and over again until you fall asleep. Be sure to add all of your senses into it and your emotions as well. Feel it all. Get involved with the scene. Become the scene and get lost in it. That is the best way to imprint it upon your subconscious.
Persist in this until your desire hardens into fact!
“…desire springs from the awareness of ultimate attainment and that persistence in maintaining the consciousness of the desire already being fulfilled results in its fulfilment.” Neville
“ It is not enough to feel yourself into the state of the answered prayer; you must persist in that state.” Neville
“Your assumption, to be effective, cannot be a single isolated act; it must be a maintained attitude of the wish fulfilled.” Neville
Neville has always stated to persist in the wish fulfilled until it hardens into fact. You cannot stop and expect it to come about. You must live from the wish fulfilled as much as possible. Don’t just merely think of the wish but think from the wish fulfilled.
The most important thing to understand is that you want to move into the sate of the wish fulfilled. You need to become the person you would be had you attained your desire. What would you look like if you had your desire? How would you walk? How would you dress? What would you talk about? What would people say about you? Those are the questions you want to ask yourself. Answer those questions and then form the picture in your head of that person and then you become that person in your imagination.
So there you have the keys to achieving the desires of your heart.
You’ve got this. Anthony