Desire! The word most associated with the things we want to get from our journeys in conscious manifesting.
Because it is so commonly used i feel it appropriate to at least try to give it the correct meaning of the word.
Recently I have heard people using the word desire to mean “of the father”. I myself have used that term to describe the word. However upon further and deeper research i could not find any narrative, other than those from new age folks that show the etymology of the word that says it’s meaning is “of the father”.
What I have found is that some of these new age folks have taken the word apart as in de-sire and then ascribed meaning to them that i cannot find support of in the history of the word. They say that the word in Latin is broken down like this.
De-sire. Or they say “of the father”.
Now again, I can’t find any substantial information that can support this claim. The only thing that comes close in the etymology of the word desire comes from the Latin words de = down from and de sidereal = from the stars. Now I can see people taking those two and forming the opinion that stars also mean heaven however what I found was this. In Latin “sidus” means heavenly body, star, or constellation and “de’ means down from.
In fact the correct Latin definition for the word desire is “ wish, desire, long for from the Latin word desiderare “long for, wish for; demand, expect.” Pretty much the same definition we now have for the word.
Here is the etymology of the word desire that I have found repeated time and time again. This one is from
Now, I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade and take away from them any wish or hope that they may have. On the other hand I want to be as straightforward with any information that I do impart to people that read my posts and books.
Because of this and all the information that I have found about the word desire I’ll have to say that in my opinion the word desire does not “literally” mean “of the father”.
What I have found however, does not preclude people from using whatever definition they so choose to attach to the word. Remember that what ever belief you have of a certain word or situation, if strong enough, is what the subconscious mind is going to put forth. I personally want to just make sure that I am giving my readers and listeners the correct information as i can find with support behind it.
I cannot find any support other than a few people in the new thought world and a couple of Catholic articles that state that the word desire says the “literal” meaning is “of the father”.
In a future post about “ letting go “ I’ll show you that to desire something can have an adverse effect to what you’re trying to manifest and actually keep your desire at bay. Stay tuned for that.
You’ve got this. Anthony