Many of us when we start this manifesting journey find Neville Goddard and start to read his books.
While reading those books, we come across the subject of states. Neville always says to change your outside circumstances you must change the state that you are in.
Now there are an infinite amount of states, and those states are like a mansion with many rooms. Each room is always the same. It never changes. One room will stay the same as it is and another room will stay the same as it was, however, each room is different from the other. So, throughout our day, we are moving from room to room or changing from state to state.
Now, when we start our journey on conscious manifesting, and we go to change states, we for example, go from being single to being married, in our imagination, to a specific person. So we occupy that state. In our imagination, we become that person in that state. But inevitably what happens is something doesn’t quite go your way and there’s a hiccup in your journey to realizing this state in your 3-D world. And what most of us do is we will fall back into the original state of being single and being depressed because we do not have the desire that we want. We allowed a circumstance in our 3-D world to affect how we perceived our reality.
The reaction to this trigger has caused us to fall back into the previous negative state.
Then, once this happens, instead of going back and changing states again, changing who we are inside, we attempt to manipulate our physical 3-D world to change the outcome. That’s just not going to work.
So then we wallow around feeling sorry for our self, and then something snaps in us and we buckle down and we get back into the state of being married, being fulfilled in a relationship that’s healthy in our imagination and we do this for a time until another trigger knocks us back. When a trigger tries to knock you back into your previous state that you no longer want to occupy you need to have the awareness of what that trigger really is.
Triggers are there to show you what you need to change within you to continue to move forward so accept the trigger for what it is, don’t give it a positive or negative meaning. Leave it neutral, and especially do not react to the trigger. Simply move back into the state of the wish fulfilled, your relationship and marriage.
Also, when changing states we need to understand that we can just assume the state we desire. We can go into that room and embody that state and what that means for us is that we don’t have to worry about time, we can step in to our imagination, be the person that we want to be in our imagination and take on the attributes that person would have. What would be the attributes of that person that you want to be? Once you have those attributes in your mind (it’s best to write them down) you can now take those attributes, and in your imagination you become that person. In that state the person you want to be already exists. You just need to walk into that room (state) and become that person. So stop thinking about “what do I have to do first then?” “What do I have to do second then what do I have to do third?”, and start thinking, which room do I want to go into and assume the attributes of that person. That is what you need to do.
Find out what attributes you would have if you had your desire and put those attributes on in your imagination as if you were putting on a new suit of clothes and live from that person in your imagination. Be that person. Embody who that person is and turn away from the person you used to be.
The more you practice this the easier it becomes and soon you’ll be that person in your 3-D world.
But please keep in mind that this could take some time.
We live in a physical world and we are bound by those physicalities. We live in a linear time frame so we must abide by that. That means that some of these states will take time to show up in our 3-D world. Persist in being that person in your imagination and it will harden into fact in it’s appointed time.
Don’t try to help it along. That will only delay it. God knows the best way to make your desire appear in your 3-D reality. Leave the heavy lifting to him. Your only job is to have the desire and live from that desire in your imagination and nothing else.
You’ve got this. Anthony